Back to the 19th Century...A Series of Articles on the Hollimans and Related Families of Fayette County, Alabama
Below the 21st Century James Franklin Holliman stands by the grave of his great grandfather, James Franklin (1839 - 1908) and his great grandmother, Bertha Lee Holliman. James Franklin Holliman's first wife, Rebecca Stewart, the one to whom he wrote a series of letters during the Civil War, lies on the other side of his grave. The location is the Steward-Holliman Cemetery near the Bluff community.
Below Robert Holliman, a great great grandson of Uriah and Polly Lucas Holliman clears brush near the grave site of his great, great uncle, James Franklin Holliman at the Stewart-Holliman Cemetery.
Lt. James Franklin Holliman of the Alabama 58th Regiment, Co. B, was captured at Missionary Ridge, Tennessee. After incarceration for two years at the infamous Johnson's Island in Lake Erie, Ohio, on June 13, 1865, he was released, and walked home to Alabama, At home he did some thing even more heroic - he started a school in his own community and devoted his life to educating the citizens of northern Fayette County. The school was located a few miles from his grave site in the Bluff community. This information courtesy of Rhodes Holliman.
More on this Cemetery in the next post....
Plan now to attend the Holliman and Associated Families Genealogical Round Table at the Fayette County, Alabama Civic Center, 10 am to 3 pm, Saturday, October 15, 2011. For information and reservations for lunch, contact Glenda Norris at or Glenn Holliman at Sessions to include Tracing the Holymans from England to Alabama, Holliman Farm Sites in Fayette County and sharing of information on Associated Families. All invited!